Extend Current RMS by integrating with other apps and services. Find out more about our integrations with Xero, QuickBooks Online, Adobe Sign, MailChimp, and more.
How does the Xero integration work?
Set up the Xero integration
Import and export organizations from Xero
Use the Xero integration
Additional notes about the Xero integration
Take payments when integrated with Xero
Add a button to the Current RMS organization on your Xero contact page
Differences between the Xero and QuickBooks Online integrations
Troubleshoot your Xero integration
How does the QuickBooks Online integration work?
Set up the QuickBooks Online integration
Import and export organizations from QuickBooks Online
Additional notes about the QuickBooks Online integration
Use the QuickBooks Online integration
Take payments when integrated with QuickBooks Online
Troubleshoot your QuickBooks Online integration