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Troubleshoot your Xero integration

Some common error messages and how to resolve them.

Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over 5 years ago

Having trouble with our Xero integration? This guide runs through common error messages and how to resolve them.

The organization is not mapped to a Xero contact

The organization set up against this invoice isn’t linked to a contact in Xero. 

To resolve, head to the organization page in People & Organizations and edit it. In the “Linked Xero Contact” field, enter the name of the contact in Xero that you’d like to link this organization to.

If the contact isn’t created in Xero, head to Xero and create it there. Then edit the organization in Current RMS to create the link.

Revenue Group ‘Rental’ is not mapped to a Xero Account

It sounds like you’ve not mapped a revenue group against an invoice line item to an account in Xero. 

To resolve, go to System Setup > Integrations > Xero and make sure all of your Revenue Group Mappings are correct. You’ll also want to make sure that your default account code is set.

The save of the Xero Invoice failed with error message(s): Invoice # must be unique. Failed to post invoice.

When you post an invoice from Current, Xero will check to make sure the invoice number is unique. An invoice will fail to post if the invoice number has already been used.

Set your invoice numbering sequence in Current RMS in System Preferences. You might like to add an invoice number prefix to invoices created in Current to avoid clashes with numbers in Xero.

Once you’ve changed your invoice numbering sequence so it matches the next number in Xero, void the invoice with the overlapping number in Current by clicking Void Invoice under Actions from the invoice page.

The save of the Xero Invoice failed with error message(s): The TaxType code ‘OUTPUT2’ cannot be used with account code ‘100’.”

Generally speaking, this message appears when you're trying to post tax marked as revenue to an account code that's marked for expenses in Xero. 

To resolve:  

  • Check your mappings in Current RMS by heading to System Setup > Integrations > Xero.

  • Check your chart of accounts in Xero to make sure that all accounts that are linked to revenue groups have the correct account type.

The save of the Xero Invoice failed with the error message(s): You cannot save this transaction using an inventory account type.

You’ll generally see this error message if you’ve mapped a revenue group to an account  in Xero that’s not set up for revenue.

To resolve, either:

  • Change your mappings in Current RMS by heading to System Setup > Integrations > Xero.

  • Check your chart of accounts in Xero to make sure that all accounts that are linked to revenue groups have the correct account type.

The save of the Xero Invoice failed with error message: The Invoice includes an item with tax amounts for Tax Rates 'Rate 1, Rate 2' which are mapped to different Xero Tax Rates.

This can occur if you have multiple sales taxes (for example state and city).

Item lines on Xero invoices can only have one Xero tax rate. To cope with multiple sales taxes, Xero tax rates can have two or more tax components (see Add a tax rate in the Xero documentation).

To cater for this in Current, you can create two tax rates, one for the state and one for the city and then map these to the your multi-component Xero tax rate. Please see the Tax rate mappings section of Set up the Xero Integration for more details.

The save of the Xero Contact failed with error message(s): The contact name is already assigned to another contact. The contact name must be unique across all active contacts.’

It sounds like you’re creating an organization in Current RMS and have the “Create a linked Xero Contact when creating an Organization?” setting on.

Current RMS is trying to create a new linked contact, but there’s already a contact in Xero with the same name as this organization.

To resolve:

  • On the create organization screen, enter the name of the contact in Xero in the “Linked Xero Contact” field. Current will suggest from contacts in Xero, just choose one.

  • Change the name of the organization in Current so it doesn’t match the Xero contact.

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