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Migrate from custom fields to Testing & Inspection
Migrate from custom fields to Testing & Inspection

Export your stock level custom field data, then re-import to Current RMS as Testing & Inspection data to start using it.

Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over 4 years ago

If you were using Current RMS prior to the launch of Testing & Inspection, you might have used custom fields against your stock levels to store test data. 

Testing & Inspection has a few advantages over using custom fields:

  • See and access a full history of test results, not just the last one.

  • Set up an asset for multiple tests and see the results of each one.

  • Current can warn you when you allocate, prep, or book out an asset that needs a test, or prevent the allocation altogether.

How does the migration process work?

Making the switch from custom fields to Testing & Inspection involves exporting your stock level data, then re-importing it as inspection data.

Here’s a full breakdown:

  1. Create inspections and apply them to your assets.

  2. Export stock level data.

  3. Copy your custom field data into an inspection result import spreadsheet.

  4. Import as inspection data.

  5. Optionally, delete your custom fields.

We’re here to help

Working with data can seem daunting, so our team are here to help. If you have any questions or want us to help you get started, reach out using the green help bubble at the bottom-right ↘️

1. Create inspections

First, create inspections in System Setup > Inspections. This is where you tell Current RMS which kind of tests you carry out and when, along with the kind of results you need to store.

When you create your inspections, add test tasks that match your existing stock level custom fields.

Once you’re done, apply those inspections to products’ assets by editing your products. Make sure that all of your assets that have test results right now have the inspection setup against their product. See: Create a product

2. Export stock level data

Next, get a copy of your stock level data. This will include the custom fields that you’ve used to store your test results.

Go to System Setup > Export data. Choose “Stock Level” and “Inspection Result” and click the Export data button. You should receive a copy of two spreadsheets to your inbox. 

3. Copy to an inspection result spreadsheet

Prep your stock level data

Open your stock level spreadsheet first. 

  • Freeze the header row.

  • Sort your spreadsheet by “Stock type” to group all sale stock levels together. Delete these rows.

  • Sort your spreadsheet by “Asset number” to group all bulk stock levels together. Delete these rows.

  • An inspection result import has fewer columns. To make our data easier to manage, we can safely delete these columns:
     -  ID
     -  Store
     -  Stock type
     -  Serial number
     -  Location
     -  Effective date
     -  Quantity held
     -  Opening balance

  • Sort your spreadsheet by one of your test custom fields to group all results that have a test result together. Review the list and remove any assets that you don’t test.

  • Sort your spreadsheet by “Asset number.”

Copy information to your inspection result spreadsheet

Open your inspection result spreadsheet. If you can, open your stock level spreadsheet and your inspection results in windows side-by-side.

Your inspection result spreadsheet will have columns that should match your custom fields. Copy information from your stock level import spreadsheet to your inspection results.

  • You might like to re-arrange column headings in your spreadsheets so that they’re in the same order. This will make copying information over easier.

  • Where you’ve set up test results as booleans, be sure to use Yes  and No .

  • Enter your inspection name in the “Inspection” column. If you have more than one inspection for an asset, create a row for each type.

Review your data and save

When you’re done, review your data to make sure that it all looks correct.

Save as a CSV with Unicode (UTF-8) encoding, ready for import.

4. Import as inspection data

Head to System Setup > Import Data, choose “Inspection Result” from the drop-down, then browse for your CSV file. Click Upload when you’re ready.

Map up your column headings correctly as normal. See: Import data

Keep an eye on your inbox for the email that lets you know how your import went. The email will help you troubleshoot if the import failed.

5. Delete your custom fields

After you’ve imported successfully, head to the stock level page for your assets and review your listed inspections. 

When you’re happy that everything is in correctly, you might like to delete the custom fields that you created for your test results. You don’t have to do this, but it will help to make sure that your system is tidy and prevents you from having conflicting sources of information.

Go to System Setup > Custom Fields to delete your custom fields. See: Store additional data by creating custom fields

Common questions

Can I just work on the exported stock level CSV?

Yes, if you like. We find working with two files and copying information from one to the other easier to manage. But, you could edit your stock level import so that it has all of the required columns for an inspection results import.

Will my old certificates work?

If you’ve document layouts that work with your custom fields, they probably won’t display any information once you move to Testing & Inspection. All of our documents are fully customizable, so we can edit those so that they map up correctly. Contact us using the green help bubble ↘️

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