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Create purchase orders from an opportunity
Create purchase orders from an opportunity

Create purchase orders for your sub-rentals, sub-contract services, and freelance staff directly from the opportunity costs view.

Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over 2 months ago

As you sub-rent gear, sub-contract services, or allocate external bookable resources to an opportunity, Current RMS automatically adds costs to the costs view so you can keep track of how much profit you’re making.

When it’s time to send purchase orders, it’s just a couple of clicks to create purchase orders for one or all of your costs.

New to purchasing in Current? Start here: How does purchasing work in Current RMS?

Get started

Head to the costs view on a provisional quotation, reserved quotation, or order to review your costs.

You can create purchase orders for costs that are:

  • sub-rented products

  • sub-contract services

  • external bookable resources

You must set a supplier against your costs in order to create a purchase order for them. Edit a cost using the menu, or set costs in batch by ticking boxes and using the Action menu. 

Choose costs

Tick boxes next to the costs that you’d like to create a purchase order for and choose Action > Create purchase order.

Current will create a purchase order for any costs that match the criteria above and have a valid supplier.

If you have multiple costs for a particular supplier, a single purchase order will be created for each cost for that supplier.

Print documents or view purchase orders

From the pop-up, click the purchase order name on the left to open the purchase order in Current.

To jump straight to the document, click the document name on the right. 

These open in a new tab, so you can open each document in a row and send them out very quickly by creating a discussion.

Remember you can jump through to a purchase order for a cost from the costs view by clicking the purchase order number in the list.

The background color of the purchase order number reflects the status of the purchase order.

Common questions

Why wasn’t a purchase order raised for my cost?

Make sure that your purchase order is one of the following:

  • sub-rented products

  • sub-contract services

  • external bookable resources

  • manual costs

Purchase orders aren’t raised for purchases just yet. 

I already raised a purchase order for a cost, can I raise another?

You can. Simply tick boxes and follow the process above as before.

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