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Prevent overbooking of products

Turn on “enforce stock availability” to prevent Current RMS from letting you book more stock than you hold of a product or serialized asset.

Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over 5 years ago

When you first sign up for Current RMS, your system is set up so that you’re able to add more stock than you hold to orders and reserved quotations. This gives you some flexibility in the order process – Current won’t prevent you from getting a job out of the door if you’ve simply not yet checked-in stock on a previous order, or can sub-rent stock with ease.

If you’d like to prevent overbooking of products, you can turn this off in System Preferences.

You may also set up your system so that you can overbook products but can’t overbook serialized stock levels. This is useful if you’d like to be able to convert a quotation to an order with a shortage to sub-rent later, but don’t want to be able to allocate an asset to more than one opportunity. 

Get started

Head to System Preferences and toggle “Enforce stock availability” to YES – it’s under the Product Settings heading.

Choose an option from the menu:

  • Product and serialized stock level
    You cannot add more stock than is available to your opportunity.

  • Serialized stock
    You can add a product to an opportunity even if it’s going to cause a shortage, but you can’t allocate a serialized stock level that’s unavailable. 

  • No
    You can overbook both products and serialized assets

Existing opportunities

If you have existing opportunities on your system with shortages, nothing happens to these – any shortages remain and are highlighted in red in the opportunity items list.

If you attempt to adjust quantities or add products and you don’t have sufficient stock, Current RMS will warn you that you can’t do this.

New opportunities

Going forward:

Product and serialized stock level

  • On reserved quotations and orders, Current RMS won’t allow you to adjust quantities or add more stock than you hold.

  • When you try to convert a draft, open quotation, or provisional quotation to a reserved quotation or an order, Current RMS will prevent you if you don’t have availability of a product.

Serialized stock

  • On reserved quotations and orders, Current RMS won’t allow you to allocate a serialized stock level that’s unavailable.

  • When you try to convert a provisional quotation to a reserved quotation or an order, Current RMS will prevent you if you’ve allocated a serialized stock level that’s unavailable.

Remember that stock isn’t reserved on drafts, open quotations, and provisional quotations, so you can add more stock than you hold if you wish. 

Common questions

Why can I add more stock than I hold to my quotes and drafts?

Stock isn’t fully booked until you mark a quotation as reserved. See our guide for more information: How do the stages of an opportunity impact availability?

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