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Add manual costs to an opportunity

Not all costs can be anticipated. Use manual costs to log other job-related expenses.

Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over a week ago

Current RMS automatically adds costs for your sub-rentals, sub-contract services, services, and purchases. For other costs, like accommodation or other expenses, add manual costs to your jobs to record them. 

Adding manual costs means that you’ll get a true representation of the profit you’re making on an opportunity.

Get started

To view and add costs, click the Costs view button at the top of the items list. It’s available when your opportunity is a draft, quotation, or an order.

Add a new cost

To add a new cost, click add a new opportunity cost at the bottom-right of the Costs view.

On the “Add Opportunity Cost” screen, provide as much detail as you need:

  • Subject
    Type a name or other descriptor for the cost you wish to record. This is required. 

  • Supplier
    Choose the organization or contact associated with this cost. This is generally the company or individual supplying a service to you or providing it. Current will auto-suggest from People & Organizations as you type.

  • Reference
    If you have a PO number, reservation number, or other reference, enter it here. 

  • Supplier Reference
    Your supplier might have given you a reference, enter it here.

  • Date
    Specify a date for this cost, i.e. when the cost was or will be incurred. 

  • Description
    Enter any notes for this cost in the description field. 

  • Attachments
    Store files related to this cost, such as receipts or order confirmations, by adding an attachment from your device. 

Select a cost group

Cost groups are a way of categorizing your costs. Choose a cost group from the drop-down menu. Create new cost groups in System Setup.

The groups you select here are displayed on the Revenue and Costs Summary screen, so you can get a detailed overview of opportunity expenses. 

Provisional costs and actual cost

For each cost you add, you can specify a provisional cost and an actual cost:

  • Provisional cost
    A rough idea of the cost, i.e. the cost subject to change.

  • Actual cost
    The final total for a particular cost.

Manual costs can be edited at any point, so you can add a provisional cost now and enter an actual cost when you know the final figure. 

For example, if you’re putting together a draft order for a gig, you might add an estimation for hotel accommodation initially. Later, you might get an invoice from the hotel and enter the actual cost. 

When you're done, hit the blue Create opportunity cost button to add it.

Change provisional or actual cost inline

Click on the provisional or actual cost in the costs view to change.

Make advanced changes

Click the blue arrow to the right of a cost and choose Edit to make further changes. 

The fields are the same as when creating a manual cost.

Add note

Need to add a note? Use Add note from the drop-down menu.

Batch actions

Make changes to multiple costs at once using the Action menu.

Set cost group

Tick costs and choose Set cost group to set the cost group for all of the selected costs.

Set supplier

Tick costs and choose Set supplier to set the supplier for all of the selected costs. As you type, Current will suggest an organization from your People & Organizations. 

Common questions

Can I raise purchase orders for my costs?

We’re working on this right now! We’ll let you know when it’s ready by sending you an in-app message. 

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