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How are automatic costs added to an opportunity?
How are automatic costs added to an opportunity?
Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over 5 years ago

To speed up the order process, Current RMS automatically adds some types of costs to your opportunity costs view so you can see the true profit on an opportunity.

What kind of costs are added automatically?

Costs are added when you:

  • add a service to an opportunity

  • add a sale product to an opportunity

  • mark a product as sub-rented 

  • add a service to an opportunity

  • set a service as sub-contracted

Costs are updated when you:

  • set a supplier for a sub-rented product

  • set a supplier for a sub-contracted service

  • allocate, de-allocate, or re-allocate a bookable resource to a service

Where can costs be set?


  • When creating or editing a product, you may set a sub-rent rate definition and price. 

  • Against products, you may set costs for specific sub-rent suppliers under the Supplier Costs heading.

Sale products

  • When creating or editing a product, you may set a purchase price.

  • Against products, you may set costs for specific suppliers under the Supplier Costs heading.


  • When creating or editing a service, you may specify costs for each rate type.

  • Against services, you may set costs for specific sub-contract suppliers under the Supplier Costs heading

  • When adding bookable resources to services from a service page, you may set specific costs for each rate type.

  • When setting a contact, user, vehicle, or venue as a bookable resource, you may set costs for each rate type.

Are costs added as provisional or actual?

For each cost, there’s a provisional cost and an actual cost:

  • Provisional cost
    A rough idea of the cost, or the cost subject to change.

  • Actual cost
    The final cost.

Sub-rentals, sub-contracts, group bookings, and external service bookable resource allocations are added as provisional. You may set an actual cost later if you wish.

Which cost is used on an opportunity?

Quotations and orders

Keep in mind that costs are automatically added to provisional quotations, reserved quotations, and orders. They’re not added to open quotations, drafts, or inquiries.


  1. If you’ve set a supplier and the suppler matches one in the product’s Supplier Costs, the cost and rate definition entered here is used.

  2. If a supplier hasn’t been set or no matching supplier is found in the Supplier Costs list, the cost and rate definition against the product is used.

  3. If there’s no matching supplier cost and no cost set against the product, the opportunity item’s rate definition and a cost of 0.00 are added.

If you set a sub-rent supplier for an allocation that previously didn’t have one, Current will update the cost if a matching cost is found for that supplier in the Supplier Costs list against the product.

If you change a supplier once set, the existing cost and rate definition are maintained when a supplier cost isn’t found.

Sale products

  1. If set, the sale cost against a product is used.

  2. If no sale cost is set against the product, a cost is added with a price of 0.00.

You may set purchase costs for specific suppliers in the Suppler Costs list against products, but these aren’t used on opportunities just yet. We’re working on a purchasing module that will make use of sale purchase costs.


For service group bookings (i.e. when the service isn’t set as sub-contract and no bookable resources have been allocated):

  1. The cost set against the service for the rate type.

  2. If no cost is set against the service for the rate type, the service’s rate type and a cost of 0.00 are added.

For services you mark as sub-contracted:

  1. If you’ve set a supplier and the suppler matches one in the service’s Supplier Costs, the cost is used where a matching rate type is found.

  2. If a supplier hasn’t been set or no matching supplier is found in the Supplier Costs list, the cost against the service for the rate type chosen is used.

  3. If there’s no matching supplier cost and no cost set against the service, the service’s rate type and a cost of 0.00 are added.

For services where you’ve allocated a bookable resource (i.e. a contact, user, vehicle, or venue):

  1. The cost set when adding bookable resources to a service from a services page where a matching rate type is found.

  2. If there’s no cost with a matching rate type set against the bookable resource on the service page, the cost set against the contact, user, vehicle, or venue is used when a matching rate type is found.

  3. Where there’s no cost set against the bookable resource on a service page or against the contact, user, vehicle, or venue, the cost against the service for the rate type chosen is used.

  4. If none of the above are found, the service’s rate type and a cost of 0.00 are added.

Keep in mind:

  • If you change the bookable resource allocated to a service, where no cost is found against the new bookable resource, Current will automatically add the cost against the service.

  • A service is considered to a particular cost rate type set when the value is greater than 0.00.

Which cost group is used for my opportunity item?

  • Sub-rental
    The product’s sub-rental cost group.

  • Sale product
    The product’s purchase cost group.

  • Service group booking
    The service’s external cost group.

  • Service sub-contracts
    The service’s external cost group.

  • A bookable resource that’s a user, vehicle, or contact or venue with a resource location of internal
    The service’s internal cost group.

  • A bookable resource that’s a contact or venue with a resource location of external
    The service’s external cost group.

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