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🎞️ Check-in assets across opportunities using Global Check-in
🎞️ Check-in assets across opportunities using Global Check-in
Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over 7 years ago

While in Current RMS, your gear might be separated neatly by opportunity; after a busy week you might find yourself in a warehouse full of kit from different jobs that all needs checking back in! Global Check-in can help here.

Instead of using the detail view for each opportunity or project to check-in your products, use the Global Check-in screen to check-in assets across all active opportunities in your store. 

With global check-in, you can:

  • Check-in assets across multiple opportunities.

  • Edit a check-in to mark an asset or quantity as lost or damaged.

  • Limit checking-in to items booked out to a particular organization or on a particular opportunity or project.

  • View and take over other global check-in sessions.

Get started

Head to Opportunities > Global Check-in to open the Global Check-in screen. 

Your initial view will be a blank global check-in screen. If you’ve started a global check-in, you’ll see what you’ve checked in so far.

If you don't see the global check-in that you've been working on, you can use the View other sessions button as described below.


Make sure your cursor is in the “Asset” field and simply scan an asset or barcode number to start checking-in. Set a quantity in the “Quantity” field, if you wish.

As with the opportunity detail view, you don’t need a barcode scanner – type the name of your product or asset number into the “Asset” field and Current will auto-suggest kit for you.

An item or asset will be checked-in if it’s booked out or part checked-in on an active order in the current store. 

When checking-in, Current will look across all active orders. This is especially handy for times where you might have cables out across multiple jobs – count the number and enter it into the “Quantity” field, then scan or type in the asset field and Current will check-in across opportunities. A line will be created for each opportunity.

Serialized containers and their serialized components are checked-in as normal, but serialized components are not listed.

Using the detail view

When you check-in an asset on a global check-in, Current RMS prevents you from performing check-in actions for it on the opportunity detail view, although you may still perform quick check-in if there a quantity remaining that hasn’t been checked in.

Complete a global check-in to perform actions on check-ins from the detail view.

Check-in prompt

You’ll see a pop-up box asking you to choose which assets to check-in when you scan or type an item that has: 

  • assets for both rental and sale

  • assets with different stock categories, i.e. bulk and sub-rent

  • multiple assets for the same serialized asset

  • assets with a lower quantity outstanding than the input quantity

Current RMS will make a different noise when this box is displayed, so you know that it needs your attention.

Tick boxes (for serialized stock) or enter quantities and hit the check-in button to check-in the selected assets.

Check-in to the quarantine

As with the detail view, edit a check-in to tell Current RMS that an item is lost or damaged.

You’ll see icons for OK, lost, damaged, and sale return in the Global Check- in list:

To edit check-in details, click the blue arrow to the right of a line and choose Edit from the menu.

The “Edit check-in details” screens are the same as when accessed from the detail view, check out our guide for more: Check-in (return) products

Adjust settings

Use the small wrench icon at the top-right to adjust Global Check-in settings. 

  • Organization
    Limit check-ins to items booked out for a particular organization.

  • Opportunity/project
    Limit check-ins to items booked out on a particular opportunity or project.

  • Days ago
    How long ago should the opportunity have ended? For example, if today is August 15th and you set the number of days to 10, Current will check-in assets on opportunities with an end date of later than August 5th.

  • Early check-in?
    Tick to check-in assets on opportunities where the end date hasn’t yet elapsed.

  • Sort order
    When checking-in assets, choose whether assets should be checked-in on oldest or newest opportunities first.

Hit the View other sessions button to find a global check-in that you were previously working on or view other people's global check-in sessions. We’ve got a guide that runs through this, see: Manage global check-in sessions

Check-in detail

Hover over the quantity column in the global check-in list to get an overview of what’s was booked out and what’s been checked-in so far.

  • Asset
    Quantities booked out and checked-in via the opportunity detail view.

  • Global check-in
    Quantities checked-in as OK, damaged, lost, sold, or returned using Global Check-in.

  • Outstanding
    The quantity remaining to be checked-in.

  • Last check-in
    If a check-in updates an existing row, the “Last check-in” figure lets you know the quantity that was last checked-in for that row.

Reset check-ins

Reset check-ins for individual check-ins by clicking the blue arrow to the right of a check-in and choosing Reset from the menu. Click to confirm.

Reset multiple check-ins at once by ticking the boxes to the left and then hitting the red Reset button at the top of the Global Check-in screen.

Complete check-in

When you’re done, complete the check-in to release the assets so you can finalize as normal from the opportunity detail view. Until a global check-in is completed you cannot change the check-in details of its assets or finalize its opportunities from the detail view.

Complete by clicking the green Complete button at the top of the Global check-in screen.

After you complete, your global check-in list will be cleared and any further alterations to check-ins will need to be done from the opportunity detail view.

Next steps

Now you’ve checked-in assets, finalize them from the opportunity detail view. Check out our guide: Finalize (complete) your products

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