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Add a product or asset to the quarantine

Mark an item as lost, damaged, or in for service from the product page.

Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over 3 years ago

When something is damaged, lost, or in for service, move it to the quarantine to take it out of availability. A quarantine page is created so you can store any related information.

Get started

To move a product or asset to the quarantine, click Add to quarantine under Actions on the right hand side.

Fill out the fields on the create quarantine screen:

  • Reference
    Why are you quarantining this item? e.g. “Found damaged in warehouse” or “Cracked display” 

  • Product
    Which product are you quarantining? If creating a quarantine from a product page, this will already be filled out for you. 

  • Type
    Damaged, lost, or in for service? 

  • Stock type
    Are you quarantining a rental or sale stock level? 

  • Asset
    If serialized, choose an asset that you’re moving to the quarantine. 

  • Quantity
    If bulk or non-stock, specify how many stock levels that you’re moving to the quarantine. 

  • Description
    Enter any additional notes about the damage, loss, or service here. 

Start & end date

Use the start & end date to tell the system when the products or asset should be unavailable to and from. Current uses these dates to update your availability.

You can forward-date this if you need to book an item in for a service in future and want to record that it's unavailable.

If you don't know when something will be ready to book out of the quarantine, toggle open ended to YES. This sets the products or assets as unavailable indefinitely, until you explicitly book it out of the quarantine.

Hit create quarantine when you're done.

Add activities, attachments, and discussions

On the quarantine page, store any relevant details of the damage, service, or loss. For example, take a photo of the damage and upload as an attachment.

Print a quarantine note

Click the document under the Print heading on the right hand side to pull off a PDF of the details of this quarantine. 

Any photos that you added to an attachment are automatically pulled through to the document – great for presenting details of damage to kit.

Book items out of the quarantine

To return open-ended quarantines to availability and to mark a quarantine as completed, use the Book out link under Actions. 

Our guide runs through this, see: Book out items from the quarantine

Check items into the quarantine

Don’t forget that you can specify that items are damaged, lost, or in for service when you’re checking-in items on the opportunity detail view. To learn how, see: Check-in (return) your products

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