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What order should I import data?

Some data depends on other data having been created.

Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over 5 years ago

While there’s no strict order in which data must be created in Current RMS, we recommend importing data in the following order:

  • Organization

  • Venue

  • Contact

  • Vehicle

  • Service resource

  • Service supplier cost

  • Product

  • Stock level

  • Rate

  • Accessory

  • Container component

  • Product supplier cost

Create linked contacts on the organization import

When creating new organizations via import, you may create one linked contact for each organization. 

Add columns called “Contact name,” “Contact work telephone,” “Contact mobile telephone,” and “Contact work email” to your organization import.

Create stock and rates on the product import

For your convenience, you can create rates and bulk stock levels on the product import template.

  • Use the “Rental rate definition,” “Rental price,” and “Sale price” columns to specify rates.

  • Use the “Rental bulk quantity,” “Rental bulk location,” “Sale bulk quantity,” and “Sale bulk location” to add bulk stock levels

Linked data

Some data in Current RMS depends on other data having been created.

Organizations before contacts

You may import contacts at any point, but if you wish to link a contact to an organization then it’s best to create your organizations first.

When you do this, you can add an “Organization” column to your contact import template and specify the name of an existing organization here to create a link.

Products before stock levels, accessories, and rates

Product data in Current RMS is modular. This means that you don’t have one cumbersome spreadsheet with potentially thousands of records and values; at any point in future you may export your stock levels to do a stock check, or export your rates to update all of your prices in concise spreadsheets.

Stock levels, rates, and accessories belong to products so you’ll need to make sure that you import products first.

Stock levels before serialized components 

Serialized containers are serialized stock levels (i.e. assets) that include serialized components (i.e. other assets) as part of them. When a serialized container is allocated, its serialized components are also automatically allocated.

In order to create serialized components, you’ll need to have first created serialized stock levels.

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