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6️⃣ System preferences

Customize general settings in Current so it suits your company’s needs.

Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over a week ago

System preferences contains a variety of settings that let you customize Current RMS to suit your company’s needs. 

Here are some key settings you’ll want to review:

  • Language and currency

  • Availability period

  • Opportunity numbers and invoice numbers

  • Schedule type

  • Tax calculation settings

To access preferences, hit the System Preferences link under the “My account” heading in the footer of each page of Current RMS.

Looking for a full run-through of System Preferences, see: Change a variety of company options in System Preferences 

Language and currency

Parlez-vous français? Current RMS is available in English (both US/International and Commonwealth), French, German, and Spanish.

Other options are available to choose too, but these don’t change the language used in the interface – they’re used for localization, e.g. number formatting.

Change your currency and currency symbol here, too.

Change the language on your account

When you change your language in preferences, it changes your system language. This is used on the login screen, on automated text in discussions, and when setting up new accounts.

To change the language on your account, edit your user profile by clicking on your picture at the top-right and choosing Edit your profile from the menu.

Availability period

Your availability period determines the default time period used in your Current RMS system. It affects the time periods you see in your availability screens and the units used when calculating stock availability for rental products.

Products rented are unavailable from the start of the availability period they fall in, and available from the next availability period. For example:

  • if your availability period is set to “day,” an item that is returned today at 11:30am is considered available from the next full day, i.e. tomorrow.

  • if your availability period is set to “hour,” an item that is returned today at 11:30am is considered available from the next full hour, i.e. 12pm.

It’s worth thinking about your availability period during setup because it impacts other settings in Current RMS. For example, you can set “post rent unavailability” against products. Post rent unavailability is a period of time after a rental that kit is unavailable for. The time unit for post rent unavailability is your availability period.

For example, if your availability is set to days and you’ve got a post rent unavailability of 1 day on a product, if you were to switch to hourly availability in future, that will become 1 hour.

We’ve got a guide that runs through this in more detail, see: Change your availability period for products

Opportunity and invoice numbers

Transitioned to Current RMS from another solution? Chances are that you’ve already been quoting and invoicing and need to start from the next number in Current. 

Change the “Opportunity Numbering” setting and “Invoice Numbering” settings to set your next number. 

Schedule type

Normally do dry rentals? Turn on the standard scheduler to make putting together an opportunity a little bit simpler.

Tax calculation settings

Adjust general tax settings depending on how tax is calculated in your region:

  • Tax calculation method based on
    Choose whether the tax calculation method is based on the unit price, the row total, or the total of the opportunity/invoice.

  • Tax calculation based on
    Choose whether the tax calculation is based on the organization’s billing address, the delivery address, or the delivery origin (i.e. the store address).

  • Apply customer tax
    Choose whether to calculate tax before or after discount.

  • Catalog prices
    Choose whether or not the prices you enter when setting up the products in Current are inclusive or exclusive of tax.

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