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Make basic changes to document layouts

Change colors, size, and general document details

Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over a week ago

All of the document layouts that come with Current RMS are customizable, meaning that you can make your quotations, invoices, delivery notes, and other documents reflect your company branding and identity.

Get started 🏁

Go to System Setup > Document Layouts, find a layout you’d like to change, then choose 'Edit' from the menu to the right.

Depending on the document, you’ll have a bunch of options to change.

General details 📚

  • Name
    If you like, rename our documents so that it makes more sense to you, e.g. “Quotation with pictures” or “Dry rental quotation.”

  • Description
    Enter any notes here. These are for your reference.

  • Active
    Don’t need this layout? Toggle to NO and this document won’t appear as an option available to print.

Module settings ⚙️

You can’t change these options on our default documents. Clone any of our documents or create new ones to change these.

  • Module
    Where should this document appear? A document can appear against one module. The module you choose may determine the Liquid objects available to you.

  • State or types
    Depending on the module, you can choose the type of data or opportunity state where the document should appear. You can select more than one option here.

  • Status
    If the type of data you selected has different statuses, you can choose which the document appears for here. For example, only paid invoices or active orders. You can select more than one option.

Layout 📄

  • Page size
    A4, Letter, or custom size. You can specify the height and width in mm if you choose custom – perfect for labels.

  • Orientation
    When using A4 or Letter, choose the page orientation.

  • Margins
    Set the margins of the page here. Header content appears above the margin top; footer content appears below the margin bottom.

Color attributes 🎨

From your text to your tables, use the color pickers to change the colours on your document.

Text attributes ✏️

Documents labelled 'configurable' have text attributes that you can change. Enter text here. This text appears every time this document is generated, so it’s good for things like general disclaimers and payment details.

Use Markdown formatting here to easily add headings, numbered lists and images to your Terms and Conditions.

Don't like the way your document is labelled? Change the labels here and they will update on any newly generated documents.

Change wording on Current RMS documents

Add or remove fields using check boxes ✅

Use the check boxes to add or remove information from your documents layout.

Online approval ✍️

If you’re working with an opportunity document, toggle Use this document for online approval/publishing? to YES turn on document approval.

Check out our guide on document approval; Set up document approval

Roles 🔏

You might like to restrict your document so that only certain users can access it. Choose roles that can access the document here.

Check out our guide on roles, see: Restrict access to parts of the system using roles

Preview or reset 🔎

The live preview will update as you work on the document, but if you would like to preview the document in a new tab or as a .PDF you can do so using the options below:

  • Preview
    See how the document looks with your changes in a new tab or window.

  • PDF Preview
    See how the document looks with your changes when printed to PDF.

  • Reset document layout to default
    Undo all customization and reset the document back to its default state.

Common questions 💬

Why can't I find these options on my documents?

Not all Current RMS documents have all of the options above. For the most editable documents, search 'configurable' in System Setup > Document Layouts.

Why can’t I see my company contact information on my documents?

On most documents, contact information is pulled from your store. Head to System Setup > Stores and edit all of your stores. Add your address and contact information here.

How do I add my ABN, company number, or tax number to my invoices?

Make sure this information is set in System Setup > Company Information and it should automatically pull through to your document layouts.

How do I make advanced changes?

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