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Finalize (complete) your products

Finalize check-in to confirm that you have finished checking-in and the check-in details you've entered are correct.

Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over a week ago

When you finalize check-in, the check-in details you have provided are applied:

  • Quarantine jobs are created for damaged, lost, and sale return check-ins.

  • Items checked-in as OK will be available from the next availability period based on the “return at” date specified (plus any post-rent unavailability).

  • Open-ended rentals will be available from the next availability period after the "return at" date you choose.

  • You can move any items that remain on rent to a new opportunity so that you can continue to charge for these.

The option to finalize appears once you’ve booked out products

Get started

To get started, head to the detail view by clicking the detail view button at the top of the items list of an order.

Make sure that some assets have been checked-in, then click the blue Finalize check-in button on the Functions tab.

Return at date

Use the “Return at” date to tell Current RMS when the stock was returned. It defaults to:

  • the date and time at the moment if you are finalizing items before the opportunity end date or the opportunity 

  • the opportunity end date if it has passed

If you choose a date before the end of the opportunity’s end date, the items will be available for other opportunities.

Move outstanding items to a new opportunity

Tick the move outstanding items to a new opportunity checkbox to move any items still on rent to a new opportunity. The status of the items will change to moved in the opportunity detail view, and a new opportunity will be created with the existing opportunity name with “(outstanding items)” appended.  

All remaining items will be on this new opportunity, including any asset allocations. Modify this as you wish by editing the order. 

Complete an opportunity manually

Once all products and services on an opportunity have been checked-in and finalized, it is automatically completed. In some cases, this might not automatically happen and you'll see a Complete Opportunity link under Actions instead. 

You can un-complete an opportunity by clicking Un-complete opportunity under Actions. 

Automatically check-in assets

If you allocate gear to an opportunity, Current can search for prior opportunities that gear was on and automatically check-in and finalize for you. 

To enable, toggle “Auto return serialized rental stock” to YES in System Preferences. See: Change a variety of company options in System Preferences

Common questions

Can I un-finalize a product check-in?

No. Once products have been finalized, they can't be unfinalized.

How do I finalize services?

Operations for services are managed separately to products on an opportunity. Head to the services view on the opportunity to finalize your services. See: Finalize (complete) your services)

When do items return to availability?

Items will return to availability according to the availability period you have set plus any post-rent unavailability applied to the product. See: What is availability?

You don’t need to check-in and finalize all items at once. For example, if half of the kit on an opportunity comes back but the other half is out for another week, check-in and finalize the products that have come back and those will return to availability. The other half will continue to be unavailable until the opportunity end date or until you check-in and finalize. 

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