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Work with containers

Group items together into containers on the opportunity detail using containers.

Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over a week ago

A container is a text field for grouping assets in the detail view – great for things like cases or boxes.

Using containers, you can:

  • Group items together using the container field

  • Sort the detail view by container to see container weight

  • Select all items in a container to prep, book out, or check-in them at once

  • Scan or type a container number to prep or book out everything in a container

  • Lock containers in the detail view so scan operations apply to assets only within that container

  • Print out a Container Packing Sheet, which lists all items grouped by container along with container weight.

Containers differ from serialized containers, which are a way of linking serialized assets together in Resources. See: Work with temporary or permanent serialized containers on an opportunity

Get started

To set containers, head to the detail view by clicking the Detail view button from an opportunity page.

Use a barcode scanner

You can enter a container on the Allocate, Prepare, and Book out tabs. Each asset you scan will be allocated, prepped, or booked out in that container.

The container is listed in the “Container” column in the detail view.

Set container

If you’re not using a barcode scanner, tick boxes and choose Set container in the Action menu on the Functions tab.

Sort by container

Click the “Container” column to sort the detail view by container. Current lets you know the weight of each container at the top.

Take actions on a container by ticking the box next to the container and choosing an option from the Action menu.

Print a container packing sheet

The container packing sheet lists all of your assets grouped by container, along with a total weight for each. View and download this document under the Print heading on the right-hand side.

Common questions

What if my containers have barcodes?

You can’t specify that a container is linked to a product in Resources. However, if you’re using a barcode scanner and have a barcoded container, you could scan the barcode into the “Container” field on the relevant tab of the detail view. 

Your barcode scanner will simply translate the barcode to keystrokes and simulate pressing enter. Your cursor will be moved to the “Asset” field so you can start scanning assets.

Once you’ve set a container, you may prep and book out everything in the container by scanning it in the detail view.

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