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Invoice a project

Learn about project invoicing and how to invoice a project.

Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over a week ago

Invoicing a project in Current RMS is very similar to invoicing an opportunity, but you have the choice of which opportunity on the project to invoice for. 

What is project invoicing?

When it’s time to invoice for a project, you have two options:

  • Project invoicing enabled
    When project invoicing is enabled, the option to generate an invoice for individual opportunities is removed and an invoice is raised with the details entered against the project.

  • Project invoicing disabled
    With project invoicing disabled, the option to generate invoices for individual opportunities within the project is available. You can still raise an invoice for the project when project invoice isn't enabled, but all of the opportunities must share some of the same details.

In this guide, we’ll run through invoicing a project with both project invoicing enabled and disabled.

Turn project invoicing on or off

When creating or editing a project, toggle the Project Invoicing slider to YES to turn on project invoicing. You’ll see options to specify the billing address for the project and tax class. 

⚠️   When enabling project invoicing on an existing project, tax will be recalculated on any opportunities with a status of open or active within the project. Current RMS will notify you if this results in a change to any of the opportunities.

Invoice with project invoicing enabled

Head to your project page and click Invoice Project under Actions. You’ll see the project invoice screen. 


Tick the opportunities you wish to include on your invoice. Only opportunities at order stage that are not marked as invoiced show here. 

Grouping options

Use the “Group invoice items by” options to choose how detailed you’d like your invoice to be.

  • Opportunity item
    Your invoice will be grouped by opportunity and there will be a line for each opportunity item.

  • Opportunity group
    Your invoice will be grouped by opportunity and there will be lines for each of the groups on your opportunity and their totals.

  • Product group
    Your invoice will be grouped by opportunity, with a line on the invoice for each opportunity item’s product group or service type with the total. 

  • Opportunity
    Your invoice will have a line for each opportunity that you’ve selected.

Invoice type

  • Standard invoice
    To generate an invoice for all selected opportunities, choose Standard Invoice

  • Part invoice
    Want to raise an invoice for a particular percentage of a project? Hit Part Invoice and enter a percentage or invoice amount.

  • Final invoice
    If you’ve created one or more part invoices for this project, click Final Invoice when you’re ready to invoice for the balance.

⚠️   Part invoicing a project comes with some caveats, so be sure to check out our guide: Create a percentage or part invoice from a project


When you’re done, click the blue Create button to generate your invoice. At this point, Current will mark all of the opportunities you selected as invoiced.

On your invoice page, you’ll see all opportunities linked to this invoice under Invoice Sources in the details pane on the right hand side.

Invoice with project invoicing disabled

The process for creating an invoice with project invoicing disabled is the same as above, with a few differences:

  • There’s no option to specify a billing address or tax class on a project with project invoicing off.

  • The opportunities you choose to invoice must have the same organization, billing address, and tax class against them.

  • The invoice is created using the details from the first opportunity, e.g. the subject, reference, organization, store, tax class, billing address, and delivery address.

Additional considerations

In addition to having the same organization, billing address, and tax class, there are additional considerations depending on how your tax calculation is configured in System Preferences:

  • Tax calculation based on delivery origin
    Opportunities must be for the same store or the stores must have addresses that would result in the same tax rates being used.

  • Tax calculation based on delivery address
    Opportunities must have the same delivery address or delivery addresses that would result in the same tax rates being used, e.g. depending on how you have your tax rules set up, they might need to be in the same state when there are different tax rates for those states.

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