When you invoice from an opportunity with deal pricing, the invoice created is slightly different to an invoice created otherwise.
Grouped by opportunity item
When you choose to group by item, an invoice item will be created for each tax class in a deal. You’ll see “Deal Price” in red next to this label. Items within the deal will be listed underneath this item for reference.
Invoice items will be created as normal for opportunity items that are not within a deal.
Grouped by opportunity group
When you choose to group by opportunity group, an invoice item will be created for each tax class in a deal. The groups that have this tax class will be listed underneath this item.
Invoice items will be created as normal for opportunity groups that are not within a deal.
Grouped by product group
You can’t group an invoice by product group when using deal pricing.
Grouped by opportunity
When you choose to group by opportunity, an invoice item will be created for each tax class as normal. These lines include deal and non-deal priced revenue.
Common questions
What about revenue groups?
A line isn’t created for each revenue group.
Where all items in a line contain the same revenue group, we use that.
Otherwise, we use the default revenue group in System Preferences.