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The Activities main screen

See a list of all pending activities across your system.

Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over 7 years ago

Get an overview of all pending activities and view all activities across your system by using the Activities main screen. Head to Activities > Activities to get started.

Your initial view is all pending activities across your system – there’s a list view and a timeline view.

Timeline view

On the right-hand side of the page, or at the bottom if you’re using a mobile device, you’ll see the timeline view. It’s a great way to get an overview of what needs doing quickly at-a-glance.

Due by and search for

Use the “Due by” and “Search for” fields at the top to find activities that are due by a particular date or that include a particular term.

Filter selection

For quick access to common filtering options, use Filter Selection. To access, head to Activities > Activities, click on View and choose Filter Selection.


By default, Current RMS hides any activities that you’ve completed so you’ve only got a list of things that need your attention. Choose to see completed or all using the radio buttons at the top.


Tick boxes to filter the view

  • Mine
    Show activities where you’re a participant

  • Favorite
    Show anything that you’ve favorited.

  • Your activity types
    Tick boxes to choose which type of activities you’d like to see in the list.

When you choose activity types, these are joined together using OR criteria. This means that Current RMS finds records that match ANY of the options you’ve selected.

Tag cloud

You’re probably familiar with tags from other cloud-based solutions – they’re a great way to search and sort your data. 

To filter by tag, hit the tag cloud icon at the top-right of Activities. Then simply click on tags!

Tags aren’t hierarchical like folders. This means that you can click on multiple tags to really drill down. 

Custom views

If you need more advanced filtering options, custom views are definitely the way to go. Custom views let you see and sort the data throughout your Current RMS system. They let you build your own tables with just the data you need.

To create a custom view, hover over View and click the green create button that appears.

  1. Give your view a Name.

  2. Choose what kind of data you’d like to see in the Module.

  3. Set attributes – these are the columns that you will see in the table.

  4. Choose Filters – these work in the same way the filters above work.

  5. For advanced filtering, add criteria. You can join criteria using AND or OR criteria, letting you build really powerful queries.

We’ve a guide that runs through custom views in detail, see: Custom views

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