Current RMS is used by businesses across the world in a variety of different industries so we provide the essential fields. Every business is different, so use custom fields to store additional data that’s important for your business.
What is a custom field?
Custom fields let you add things like text boxes, tick boxes, drop-down lists, date pickers, and other fields to any screen in the system so you can store additional information.
Get started
Creating a custom field is a two step process:
First, create a custom field group. A custom field group is a sub-heading that a custom field sits under.
Then, create a custom field. This is your text box, date picker, drop-down box, tick box, or other field.
Create custom field group
Go to System Setup > Custom field groups and click the add custom field group button.
Create custom field
Go to System Setup > Custom fields, hit the green add custom field button and fill out the fields.
When setting up your field, choose the module “organization”, “contact”, “venue”, or “user account”.
We’ve a full guide that runs through custom fields, see: Create custom fields
Common uses for custom fields
Different businesses use custom fields for different things, but here’s some ideas:
Local tax number
Payment terms
Organization type
MailChimp unsubscribe
Contact or user
ID received tickbox
Employment date
Training date
Dress code requirements
On site parking tickbox
Power requirements