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Current RMS and GDPR

Questions answered about using Current and the EU general Data Protection Regulation legislation.

Matthew James Finkel avatar
Written by Matthew James Finkel
Updated over a month ago

Prior to GDPR, the last time the European Union introduced legislation regarding data handling and protection was in 1995 with the EU Data Protection Directive. 

Fast forward twenty years and the technological landscape has changed: we live and work in a more connected world, with the advent of social media, mobile devices, and cloud computing.

The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new set of data protection legislation, designed to make data handling laws across the European Union more up-to-date. It came into force on May 25th 2018.

What does GDPR mean for my business?

How your business handles GDPR depends on the kind of data you gather on your customers, as well as how you collect and store it.

We can't provide specific advice on compliance for your business, but we'd recommend starting by visiting the European Union's dedicated website for GDPR:, as well as checking out resources on websites that you trust.

Current RMS and GDPR

Both the Current RMS software/service and inspHire Ltd are compliant with GDPR.

We designed Current RMS with security and data privacy in mind. Like many of your favorite tech companies, our platform is hosted on Amazon Web Services who are fully compliant with GDPR.

Our privacy policy has been updated for GDPR and there’s a new GDPR Information page in Current RMS that you can find under the “Useful Links” heading in the footer. This page shows the most up-to-date list of sub-processors we use and is where you can request a Data Processing Agreement.

Tools in Current RMS

To help you better process personal data lawfully, we’ve added a new “Legal basis for processing data” drop-down to People & Organizations so you can document this properly. 

For information on the legal basis for processing data, see the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) website. Remember the ICO is a UK authority so check local resources, too.

Delete organizations

In People & Organizations, you can now delete an organization that was associated with an invoice, opportunity, or other record in Current. 

Associated records are not deleted for record-keeping, but we anonymize all identifying information. For example, an organization might become “Deleted Organization #395” across the system. 

Actions Log

Head to System Setup > Actions Log to review a system-wide overview of user actions in your System.

Export Data

Export a variety of data in System Setup > Export Data, including discussions.


Use Roles to restrict what particular users can see and do in your Current RMS system. 

Remember non-admin users do not have access to System Setup, so cannot export data en masse from System Setup > Export Data.

Other resources

In addition to, our integration partners have some great articles on GDPR that you might like to check out:

We’ve also a page on our website that provides more information on Current RMS & GDPR

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